Do not underestimate the power and impact that wordings have on our situation.
In Singapore, all the necessary measures that been taken, all the scientific research has been done. Yet, the number of people who have been affected by Covid 19 is still on the daily high.
Do you wonder why? Singapore was considered as one of the countries that had the disease well controlled. Yet, up till today, such a small country has such high numbers daily.
People are staying home, businesses have been stopped, yet, nothing seems to be helping.
Based on Master Khoo’s expertise and knowledge, he has observed that certain use of phrases in the Lian He Zao Bao.
Yi Qi Lai Jia You 【一起来加油】– is a Chinese phrase, which is actually to motivate everyone.
However, the wrong Yi 【疫】 was used and the whole meaning becomes calling the virus to come together. To come together to get sick.
Every logo used, every phrase used, has a profound impact on our lives. Positives can turn into negatives unknowingly.
Master Khoo thinks that we are currently being challenged by this unprecedented natural disease and he urges everyone to be open-minded and try to prevent Covid 19 by sound vibrations.
Find out more and have a chat with Master Khoo, hear his expertise.